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Amy Bernards Provides Microneedling Treatments in Mauston

Woman getting Microneedle procedure

At Mile Bluff Medical Center, Amy Bernards offers cosmetic dermatology services, including microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

Microneedling can help treat skin concerns such as sun damage and acne scars, while also helping diminish fine lines and wrinkles and improve the overall look and feel of your skin. Treatments can be done on the face, neck, chest, and even the back for acne scarring. Microdeedling works by using tiny needles to create micro-trauma to the skin, which helps stimulate the skin's healing process, so it produces more collagen and elastin. Then, to make this treatment even better, it can be paired with PRP, which contains growth factors and stem cells.

A microneedling appointment is an hour long, and the procedure itself takes about 30 minutes. Prior to the procedure, your blood is drawn and a mild numbing cream will be applied to the treatment area. After about 20 minutes, the area will be cleansed well using a gentle cleanser and then the PRP will be applied and microneedled into the skin.

When you leave your appointment, the treated area will be red and you will need to avoid being around a lot of germs and a lot of people. “We have this PRP on, and we want to leave that on for eight hours,” expressed Bernards. “So, I recommend people just go to bed with that on their face.”

The next day, you will start your five-day skincare regimen that is given to you at your appointment; and you can wear makeup if you want. In the following 72 hours, it may look like you have a bit of a sunburn, and possible flaking or peeling can occur. Follow your provider’s instructions on what to do after microneedling, as these can be based specifically on your medical history or skin type.

Mile Bluff offers a package deal that includes three treatments, one month apart. After that, you choose how you’d like to move forward. Some people choose to do one treatment every year, just to maintain results and revitalize the skin.

Mile Bluff has cosmetic dermatology services to help improve your primary skin concerns. Amy Bernards is accepting new patients, and consultation appointments are available to help you understand what treatment may be right for you. To schedule your consultation today, call 608-847-5000.