Mile Bluff Medical Center and UW Health have joined forces to offer an
added level of critical care in Juneau County. A virtual/electronic intensive
care unit (eICU) is available to Mile Bluff's hospital patients.
Without ICU services, we would always have to try to transfer critically-ill patients to larger facilities that have ICU-trained clinicians on-site 24 hours a day.
With an eICU, if you come to us with severe illness – such as sepsis, diabetic keto acidosis or respiratory distress – you may be able to stay in your hometown hospital. Not only does this save you from having the added cost of an ambulance or helicopter ride, but it keeps you near the support of your family and friends.
Through the eICU program, our doctors and nurses have 24/7 access to critical care experts at UW Health. Using two-way audio/video technology, and an advanced monitoring system, our teams work together to ensure that you have the best possible outcome.
Confidential, high-speed data lines are used to provide the eICU command center with direct access to what is happening in the hospital. This allows the team in Madison to keep an eye on your status, and offer the best support possible. Real-time video technology also allows the eICU team to see and interact with you, when needed.
The camera is only turned on when it is required for assessing your status or offering care. when it is in use, the camera faces you and displays a green light to show that it is on. when not in use, the camera automatically points away from you. These interactions are never recorded.
As with any other service at Mile Bluff, access to patient information is strictly limited to those the hospital has authorized. All of your medical information that is shared for eICU care is encrypted or scrambled before it is sent through secure, private data lines.
The bedside care team can answer questions about eICU or any aspect of patient care.
The eICU clinical team in Madison does not replace the need for bedside caregivers in Mauston. Instead, it provides an added level of support and safety for you as our patient.
Mile Bluff's eICU team members have undergone specialized critical care training through online courses, hands-on skills testing, case study reviews and more.