Thanks to technology, Mile Bluff patients have the option to connect with their healthcare provider from the comfort and safety of their own home.
TeleMedicine services provide you, our patients, with one-on-one time with your provider.
In-person appointments are still available at Mile Bluff, however, if you would like to receive care from the comfort of your home,
TeleMedicine services are available. Two TeleMedicine options are available
for established Mile Bluff patients.
TeleHealth - by video - A TeleHealth video visit with your Mile Bluff provider requires the use of a smart phone, tablet, or computer with Internet access and audio-visual capabilities. Using a program called Cisco WebEx, you can connect face-to-face with your provider. This type of visit is preferred for new illnesses and consultations that may not require an in-person office visit.
Virtual Check-in - by phone - If you don’t have online audio-video technology available, Virtual Check-ins accommodate telephone-only visits. This type of visit may be best for management of some chronic conditions and some types of illnesses.
TeleMedicine services are covered by most insurance companies.
The safety and privacy of our patients is our top priority. Our virtual visits are HIPAA compliant and never recorded.
TeleMedicine may be a fit for:
Although you may be experiencing the symptoms listed above, everyone’s situation is unique. Our staff and your provider will determine if your requested appointment is ideal for TeleMedicine. If not, you may be directed to schedule an in-person appointment.
TeleMedicine is not a fit for:
In an emergency, go to the nearest ER or dial 9-1-1!
Call the clinic of your choice and request a TeleMedicine visit. A message will be taken and sent to your provider with the reason you are requesting a TeleMedicine appointment. The provider will review your chart and determine if your are eligible for a TeleMedicine appointment and will identify which appointment would be best for you - in-person, TeleHealth (video), or Virtual Check-in (phone). Once reviewed, the patient care staff (medical assistant/nurse) will call you to schedule the type of appointment your provider recommends.
If a TeleHealth (video) appointment is scheduled, you will be given instructions for ‘attending’ your visit using a smart phone, tablet, or computer with Internet access and audio-visual capabilities using Cisco WebEx.
You will receive an e-mail invitation. On the day of your visit, you will open your e-mail invitation 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment, and will click on the link found there. When prompted, you will click ‘join the meeting’ to get to your appointment.
Your visit will begin with a medical assistant/nurse who will complete your health history. Once everyone is ready, the provider will join the appointment.
If a Virtual Check-in is scheduled, you will be called 15 minutes before your appointment time. A patient care staff member will complete your health history and welcome you to the visit. Then you will talk with your provider.
If you have any questions, please call Mile Bluff Clinic at 608-847-5000.